Excellent Mustard

Table of Contents

Excellent Mustard
Sept. 3-4 Translating the recipe
Recipe from Bnf Ms Fr 640
Le Menagier de Paris
Sept. 8 Second Trial
Cooking with mustard
Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen
Het eerste gedrukte Nederlandstalige kookboek
Transcriptie van het Tractaet van de campernoillien (1668)

Sept. 3-4 Translating the recipe

Recipe from Bnf Ms Fr 640

Excellent mustard
Dry some bread in an oven, then stick cloves & cinnamon into it and put it to soak in good wine. Then, being well crushed, pass everything through a cloth strainer and incorporate it with your mustard seeds.
We another recipe in a 14th century French book

Le Menagier de Paris

(G.E Brereton and J.M. Ferrier, Le Menagier De Paris: A Critical Edition (Oxford, 1981), p. 258)
Here we understand some of the tacit knowledge about the mustard:
The Le Menagier de Paris didn’t mention the cloth. So Diana checked the French translation:
The we checked the Randle Cotgrave, Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (London, 1611):
So the cloth should be a tammy cloth. But it is hard to acquire a tammy cloth. So we decided to use a cheesecloth instead.

The later recipe didn’t mention anything about the bread. So we decided to use a whole grain bread. The bread should not be so important since it will be throw away after making the mustard.
Expectation about the result
Diana found descriptions about the texture of the mustard:
The author of Bnf Ms Fr 640 refers to mustard’s density elsewhere in the manuscript:
So we assume the mustard should be thick.
Sept. 5 First Trial
Place: 521 W. 112th
Preparation of the ingredient


Result and discussions:
The result was very a very thin liquid mixed with mustard seed. They don’t really mix well. The husks of the mustard were floating on the juice of the wine and spices. It was nothing like the description we found in the same manual, which says mustard should be “thick.” We tasted it. It was REALLY strong. My stomach burnt for two days.
We also tasted the left over of bread in the cloth, just in case that we were using the wrong part. It was filled with fragments of spices. So we were sure that we should use the filtered juice instead of the left over in the cloth.


Based on the sensuous experience, we decided to make following

Sept. 8 Second Trial

Place: 521 W. 112th

The ingredient and the process were the same except from the three adjustments.
Result and discussion
After dipping the bread into the red wine for 20 min, the bread became really dry and very hard to squeeze. We at the end only got a spoonful of paste to mix with the grounded mustard.
The mustard looked much more fine than the last time since we sieved it. It mixed well with the paste.
The taste was still strong. We looked back to the 14th century recipe and found that in the recipe, the author added “a pound of fine sugar” to the spice mix-hippocras, and the wine they used was grape juice. So we guess the mustard in the 14th century recipe should contain a good amount of sugar. Therefore we mixed our mustard with honey, and it tasted really good!

Cooking with mustard

I also found some other recipe cooking with mustard from

Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen

Het eerste gedrukte Nederlandstalige kookboek

circa 1514 uitgegeven te Brussel door Thomas vander Noot
bezorgd en van commentaar voorzien door
Ria Jansen-Sieben en Marleen van der Molen-Willebrands
63. Pekele [mosterdsaus] tot eenen capuyn.
Neemt luttel mostaerts ende wijn ende minghelt dat tsamen in een panne. Ende doet daertoe smout [vet] van den capuyne met wat souts. Dan doet dat wel tegader sieden [koken] totter tijt dat dick genoech es. Dan doeget al heet rechten [opdienen]. Maer sommighe doender inne ghefruuten ajuyn [ui].

64. Pekele [mosterdsaus] tot eenen capuyn.
Neempt tvette van den smoute [het bovenste van het vet] oft van den sope van den vissche als hi ghesoden [gekookt] es. Als hi stait [ligt] in sijn waveraet, dan blaest het vetste af oft scheppet met eenen lepele af. Dan neempt mostaert ende onderrueret wel. Dan suldi dese sause rechten [opdienen] in saucieren [sauskommen].

Also from

Transcriptie van het Tractaet van de campernoillien (1668)

Italiaense mostaert tot de fungi
De Italianen stampen ghepelde amandelen soo kleyn als ‘t moghelijck is, daerby doende wat loock ghestampt, olie en sap van limoenen al samen ondereen roerende tot een consistentie ofte dickte als mostaert, hetwelck sy witten mostaert noemen. Waermede sy de fungie eten, eensdeels om den goeden smaeck, maer princepael voor medecijn hetwelck sy segghen, soo iemandt quade fungie hadt ghe-eten, door desen mostaert sou gheconserveert wesen sonder hinder.

So the mustard should also be used as a kind of seasoning for cooking to balance the humorism. According to the author of the website “…mustard had the same properties as for example pepper. So, mustard was an excellent replacement for spices not only because it was cheaper, but also because it was just as good for a balanced diet.”
Photos from our ppt
excellente moustarde (1).pptx